In the tumultuous times that our human collective is going through right now, there is a growing sense of divisiveness and polarization that can feel very threatening to cultural unity, and it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed out by it all. How do we as Unity truth students help to heal this divide in so doing, contribute to bringing forth a peaceful, kinder, more compassionate world? Join Rev. Dr. Jane Simmons to explore this question in depth, as she shares her talk entitled, Survival of the Kindest.
Rev. Dr. Jane Simmons holds a doctoral degree in Theology from Holos University Graduate Seminary and is an ordained Unity minister. Since her ordination in 1999, Jane has ministered in four Unity churches in Canada and the United States as well as serving as the Teen Ministry Coordinator for Unity Worldwide Ministries. She is the 2020 recipient of Unity’s Light of God Expressing Award. She has served as an associate professor at Holos University and is currently a member of adjunct faculty for Unity Worldwide Spiritual Institute, teaching credit classes in a virtual online format. Jane is a powerful speaker, writer, workshop facilitator, trainer and educator with a focus on virtual online learning. With a passion for heart-centered transformation, Jane is committed to helping bring forth a kinder, more compassionate world.