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This afternoon is loosely based on metamorphosis and lyrics from Wild Sweet by Starling Arrow.
e will cocoon with the season. We will sing without reason and emerge with widened wings.

SOUND HEALING, an intro to CHI GONG in Sacred Grounds & Books
Go within and connect to your knowing and divinity.
MEDITATION & GRATITUDEs followed by Clearing & Releasing in the CommUnity Room in preparation for the vision boards.

Direction and discussion, self-guided worksheet for creating a VISION BOARD

“SING WITHOUT REASON”  (create, make sound, and use our bodies to “sing” with dance).
DRUM CIRCLE in the sanctuary and wrap up with ECSTATIC DANCE or intentional or SOMATIC MOVEMENT.

closing and goodbyes

A few reiki/massage practitioners will be available at an additional cost.
Attendees are responsible for their appointments with the practitioners.

Offered on a "Love Offering" basis. Suggested offering is $30. All are Welcome!

Contact Rachel Pennel at 913-293-5972 if you have questions.
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