Order of Service

  1. Welcome & Introductions
  2. Centering Breath
  3. Opening Statement: “There is only One Presence and One Power in my life and in the universe,  God the Good, Omnipotent.”
  4. Opening Congregational Song
  5. Sing Youth off to Classrooms  (We are Walking in the Light)
  6. Announcements:
  7. Statement of Purpose: Unity is a Positive Path for Spiritual Living. We gather to create an experience of Spirit. At Unity CR, we offer practical teachings that empower abundant and meaningful living. Meeting you right where you are, we endeavor to provide a variety of ways to support YOUR path of spiritual living.
    Our Mission is to provide spiritual awareness and share the wonder and joy of God’s Love.
  8. Daily Word
  9. Congregational Song 
  10. Centering Song 
  11. Meditation
  12. Featured Music 
  13. Lesson
  14. Featured music 
  15. Blessing of Tithes & Offerings
  16. Offertory Statement: Divine Love, through me, blesses and multiplies all that I am, all that I give, and all that I receive.  I am grateful.
  17. Offertory Song
  18. Blessing of the Offering & Prayer Intentions
  19. Peace Song
  20. Prayer for Protection:

Leader:  The light of God surrounds us
     All:  I AM the light of God
Leader: The love of God enfolds us
    All: I AM the love of God
Leader: The power of God protects us
    All: I AM the power of God
Leader: The presence of God watches over us
     All: I AM the presence of God
Together: Wherever I AM, God is.