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2024 Ministry Team Reports

Audio - Sound Team

Team Lead: Tom Zimmerman
Board Liaison: Paula Land

The Unity Audio – Sound Ministry Team provided quality sound support for the Unity congregation, to create an environment where performers and speakers could convey a message of spirit with confidence and comfort.

The Unity Audio – Sound Ministry Team treats the performers and speakers as family, to help put them at ease, and provides them with a professional sound system to support their music.

The Unity Audio – Sound Ministry Team was excited to welcome Sally Miller to our group in September. We currently consist of 4 Soundboard Operators: Kevin Krumvieda, Carl Swanson, Sally Miller and me (Tom Zimmerman).   Greg McGaffic has also assisted with the sound system, when needed.

The Audio – Sound Ministry Team is in need of 1 additional individual.
The normal Sunday Service rotation is being met with 4 regular Soundboard Operators.
To provide a less demanding schedule, and allow time for training, we would welcome another person.

Thank you for trusting us with this rewarding duty of helping provide quality sound to our congregation!

Building Team

Greg McGaffic, Team Leader
Kevin Krumvieda, Board Liaison

The Building Maintenance Team continues to be dedicated to the upkeep of our Sacred Space.  Here are some of the maintenance items we worked on in the year 2024: 

  1. Helped with the sanctuary restroom renovations.    
  2. Serviced restroom toilets as needed.
  3. Fixed furniture.
  4. Fixed leaky roof above bookstore kitchen.  
  5. Secured loose soffits.
  6. Exchanged wall shelving between the Community Cupboard and office supply rooms.
  7. Installed Ring door cameras and ran power to them.
  8. Worked on/replaced light fixtures/bulbs.
  9. Replaced air filters for the HVAC equipment.  

The Building Maintenance Log (If You See Something, Say Something) worked well.  We want to thank congregants for making entries in the log; quite helpful.  The Log is on the welcome table in the foyer.

We want to thank Mandy Taylor for her help this last year.  Unfortunately she had to resign from the team; she will be missed.   We want to thank Brian Zumhof, Marty Whitters, Lisa Klostermann, Tom Bootsmiller, Don Oliver and Paula Land for their help on some of our maintenance needs.  Much appreciated.

Our intention is to continue to maintain our Sacred Space.

EarthCare Team

Team Leader: Ashley Schrage
Board Liaison: Bonnie BootsMiller

Team Members: Jim Greene, Janet Bergman, Otis McGowan, Lisa Klostermann, Anthony Henderson, Bonnie BootsMiller, Margaret Lockhart

Volunteer Needs:  We just had an addition to our team, Margaret Lockhart making 8 members of EarthCare. I think this is a great number, we communicate well when one of us is in need and the group is pretty much self-sustaining.

Accomplishments:  The team participated in EcoFest and prepared an Earthcare service in April. The tour of the waste management facility helped us to better understand the process and contributions that we can make. Improvements were made in housekeeping by reducing the use of chemicals in cleaning supplies and excessive plastic products. 

2025 Goals:  Our goals for the year of 2025 is to continue to reduce our carbon footprint at Unity CR in whatever ways we can. This includes the use of cloth linens in the restrooms as well as offering multiple receptacles for recycling and compost. We will continue to limit the one time use of plastic products being bought and brought into Unity CR. We will seek out 

better options for our housekeeping needs that reduce plastic and paper. Utilize rain collection systems to reduce water consumption. 

Elayne Fisher Community Cupboard Team 

Team Lead: Barb Buchanan LUL, Prayer Chaplain
Board Liaison: Brian Mahon

Mission Statement: We serve our community with joy and love

EFCC staff: Barb Buchanan, Valerie & Claude Stillwell, Jean Kirby, Cindy Thompson, Michelle Cole. 

Many helping hands assisted in picking up, loading and unloading groceries. Assisting the staff included Kevin Krumvieda, Greg McGaffic, Brian Zumhof, Suzanne Barnes, and Paula Land. A huge thank you to these folks! We also acknowledge the past sacred service of MaryAnn Green. 

Groceries were purchased from Dollar Tree, Dollar General, Aldi, and known specials from Hy Vee, Kwik Star, and Menards, and were purchased on an almost weekly basis. UCR members and the team provided toilet paper and potatoes for our 'potato day' in November. We saw a change in the arrangement of storage, which is now on the south wall of the pantry and working well. We have 2 new shelving units for clients to view food offerings. 

We acknowledge the Brimmer Foundation and a UCR member who have given most generously. We are grateful beyond measure for their continued support. We also acknowledge our UCR community who support us in many and various ways. Thank you! 

We have had many food donations from clients, those who saw us online, and organizations. Most recently we received food from Somersaults Gymnastics Center and Country House Resident Memory Care.

The team created a Sunday service that was unique with a grocery cart full of pantry items. I represented the EFCC at a Focus Group round table on the issue of food insecurity.  The team can attest to food insecurity in our community. Recently we saw a teenager who had not eaten for 2 days, and a family who had not gotten their food stamps approved yet. We served 2,178 clients and had many days of 50+ clients. 

A new team member, Margaret Lockhart, will be joining us in 2025. We are always on the lookout for new team members! Again, my appreciation for such an outstanding team that serves with love and joy! We make a difference in the lives of so many.

Exploring Unity Team

Team Lead: Susan Liddell
Board Liaison: Paula Land

One Exploring Unity class was held in the Fall of 2024.UnityCR welcomed 7 new members on November 24th: Mary Kopecky, Suzanne Barnes, Peggy Pearson, Angela Dooley, Margaret Lockhart, Rachel Pennell, Brandi Vandoren

Led by Susan Liddell, Jan Griffith and Paula Land, the Saturday class included an overview of our spiritual tools, the Unity movement and structure, and metaphysical foundations of Unity Teachings. The Sunday class included a review of our governance and bylaws led by Paula Land, personal interviews conducted by Board members and building tours conducted by Barb Buchanan and Paula Land.

The next Exploring Unity class will be held in the Spring of 2025.

Events Team

Team Leader: Tracey Supplee
Board Liaison: Bonnie BootsMiller

Team Members: Bonnie Bootsmiller, Susan Liddell, Tracey Supplee, Brian Mell, Jennifer Mordan, Lisa Klostermann, Janith Griffith, Chrissy Wigim, Brianna Riedel, Rachel Pennel

The Event Planning Team was formally approved in 2023 and continued in 2024 to offer several events for congregants to connect. 

March: Painting with Corrine; April: movie night; May: Rock the Block in Newbo. June: Father’s Day grill out, Pride Parade, Pride Affirming Service, and PrideFest booth in July; August: Family picnic; September: Centennial Celebration; October: Trunk or Treat; December: New Year’s Eve Fun & Games.

Special thanks to the team and those who pitched in to make these events a success!

Grounds and Garden Team

Team Lead: Jim Greene 
Board Liaison: Kevin Krumvieda 

The Grounds and Garden Team continues their dedication to the care of our grounds and gardens.  The team worked on/completed the following projects:

    1. Entry Garden:  This year we put down another layer of playground mulch.  We removed a diseased honeysuckle bush.  We moved the remaining hosta plant to the fern garden.  A subcommittee made up of Arlene Brandt, Mary Kopecky, Ruth Geary and Kevin Krumvieda drew up a plan to complete plantings in this space, which will begin in early 2025.  
    2. Book Store Garden:  We followed up on Arlene Brandt’s plan for this garden, which included a planting of a pollinator mix.  We left the day lilies and iris in place.  The results were quite pleasing to the eye and attractive to pollinators.  Thanks to Arlene for her vision of this garden.
    3. Prayer Garden:  Team members worked on weeding this garden.  The team plans to focus on this garden in the year 2025.      
    4. Children’s Garden:  Arlene Brandt continues making this a delightful space for our kiddos.  Thanks, Arlene.  
    5. Hosta Garden:  Ruth Geary continues to keep this garden looking good.  We added another layer of mulch.  Ruth and her niece kept the crabapple trees trimmed.  Thanks to Ruth for her continued care of this garden.
    6. Trees:  Jim Green was able to secure seven new trees through the Monarch Project.  These were planted in various locations around our property.  Unfortunately, three of the new trees (and one tree planted a year ago) were the victims of vandalism (dug up and thrown away or broken off at ground level).  We are working on procuring a security camera which will cover the grounds to the east of the buildings.
    7. General Grounds:  This spring eight hearty souls cleaned out and trimmed back the area to the south of the parking lot.  This was a project that Jim Greene had dreamed about for several years.  It looks so much better.  The area around the compost bins was also addressed.  The west and north ends of the building were trimmed up.  General trimming was done along the south fence line.  Trash pick-up was done on an intermittent basis.   

The team will meet in February to plan our work for the coming season.

We want to thank all the members of the team who have put in many, many hours working on the gardens and grounds and to non-team members who pitched in along the way.  Much appreciated.  

The Grounds and Gardens Team intends to continue nourishing our sacred grounds and gardens.  Growing Grateful Grounded Green

Hospitality Team

Team Lead: Ashley Schrage
Board Liaison: Sally Miller

Team Members: Pat Coon, Anthony Henderson, Jane Tappmeyer, Tracey Suplee, Paul Lundy, Amanda Green, Susan Linddell, Jan Griffith, Jen Sacora, Mandy Taylor Thomas, Chrissy Wigim

Volunteer Needs: The hospitality team is in need of more volunteers. We average 3 individuals every brunch that are available to prep food to feed 60 people. We have altered our menu in an effort to meet the brunch needs without over extending our volunteers. We do have a great group helping with last minute details day of as well as cleanup. 

Accomplishments: Prepared and served monthly brunches with limited help; Served healthy, mainly plant-based menu items; provided alternative options for gluten and other dietary restrictions; made a slight profit!

2025 Goals: Our goals for the year 2025 are to encourage more participation from our existing group members and recruit new members. We will continue to work towards having brunch once a month as well as ensuring the Square is set up for congregants to make their love offering electronically. 

Interior Decor Team

Team Lead: Ann Lullie
Board Liaison: Bonnie BootsMiller 

2023 Volunteers: Angela Dooley, Ashley Schrage, Kirsten Griffith, Glady McMellor, Bonnie BootsMiller, Arlene Brant, Jeanne Bjornson, Suzanne Barnes, Babs Haggin-Roy, Lisa Klostermann, Greg McGaffic, Don Oliver, Nina Swanson, Mary and Allan Thoms, Cindy Thompson, Rachel Pennel, Lynda Black Smith, Paula Land.

In 2024, the Interior Decor volunteers helped to decorate the community room seasonally. Holiday decorating always takes a lot of hands to make our space feeling festive for Christmas. Thanks to Brian Zumhof for the donation of the ten-foot tree and those who donated extra decorations to decorate our four trees. A request for chairs with arms in the sanctuary led us to explore many options and we purchased ten chairs that will be reupholstered or painted to better match sanctuary chairs. The team assisted with the updated look of the platform to provide a more camera friendly background for our speakers. The team supported the transformation of the den into the lending library. 

We had a lot of fun decorating the center for the Centennial dinner! Rachel did a great job on the lobby photo booth, and Angela Dooley provided lovely crystal candle holders. Angela’s friend donated a large collection of beautiful silk flowers that we can also incorporate into next year’s spring decor. 

Thanks to those who shared their time and talents to beautify and decorate our UnityCR space!

Marketing & Media Team

Team Lead: Lisa Klostermann
Board Liaison: Karen Kurt

Livestream Team: Lisa Klostermann, Greg McGaffic, Tom BootsMiller, Ruth Geary, and Sally Miller. We always welcome more help. Come and visit us in the chapel during service!

2024 YouTube Stats 

The livestream had several hardware breakdowns this year, which may have impacted our viewership. Thankfully, we are back up and running well and have noticed more viewers during service.



Watch Time (hours)




951.50 hours

 down 17%



5,069 - up 52%!

1,100 - Up 23%

218 - up 50% from 2022 


3,323 up 8% from 2021

928.4 - up 7% 

165 - up 33 from 2021




134 - up 31 from 2020

Music Ministry

Music Director: Nina Swanson
Board Liaison: Paula Land

2024 went fast!  The music ministry really bonded with the help of the band - Angela Dooley, Jason Wright, Tom Zimmerman, and Don Oliver.  Anji-Kat was a regular soloist as well as Joe Wetrich, Chance Maynard, Ericka Maynard, Carlis Faurot, Mike Maas, Alex Hoffner.  My son Noah also helped out along with Angela's son Ryan and Ben Fashimpaur.  

The choir performed six times this year which was really fun. It continues to grow for which I am so grateful.  

This year saw the arrival of a new baby grand piano with a wonderful tone!  Thank you Universe!

Our children's program continues to be a challenge with consistent attendance, so they haven't sung for the congregation as much as usual,  but I love seeing them and hearing their beautiful voices in class.  We hope to see more and more children as we continue their wonderful program.  Thank you to Cindy and all the dedicated teachers.

Thank you to the sound team and the IT team, the office squad, and everyone who makes a joyful noise each Sunday! 

Outreach Team

Team Lead: Jane Tappmeyer
Board Liaison: Brian Mahon

Unity Center of Cedar Rapids continued to provide a monthly meal for Willis Dady Homeless Shelter. On the fourth Sunday of every month, a sandwich meal is made and taken to the main shelter. Congregants often make baked goods for the residents or they donate fruit. Thank you for those who help prepare these lunches!

The Outreach Team also sponsored a couple of other activities at Unity. We had a holiday gift tree for Families Helping Families which supports children in foster care. Thanks to all who shopped for gifts for the kids!

The team held a few meetings this year to generate interest in being on the team and determining what type of outreach and causes we support in our community. A draft mission statement is still under review. We are looking for people who are interested in outreach and social justice activities. 

Sacred Grounds and Books

Team Lead: Janith Griffith, LUL
Lending Library: Susan Liddell
Board Liaison: Karen Kurt

Members: Pat Coon, Barbara Krumvieda, Leslie Wright, Mary Kopecky, Valerie Stillwell, Kirsten Griffith, Amanda Green, Susan Liddell, LUL.

This team is a multi-faceted, multi-talented team. The Hospitality Ministry Team provides the kitchen supplies. Coffee makers Pat, Barb, Leslie, and Mary serve coffee and snacks before and after services to welcome and greet everyone. 

Valerie and Kirsten are the booksellers to help you find and check out books. CommUnity Creates members Amanda, Kirsten, Jan, and Pat create cards and bookmarks for sale. Pat helps Jan with displays. Susan organizes and maintains the Lending Library and Jan oversees ordering and displaying books. The area welcomes many groups such as morning coffee hour, discussions and speaker events, book study groups and Zooms with authors. This year we were able to host our hybrid Great Lakes Regional Conference here to offer books to others in our Region.

The UCR Lending Library continues to be a resource for our community. In 2025 we are excited to welcome you to our new space in the Fireplace Room. Long-term UCR congregants will remember this was once our only Bookstore area! Cozy up here by the fireplace and read a good book and browse for ones to borrow. We are grateful for the creative ideas and energies which led to this transformation of the library area.

Safety and Security Team

Team Lead: Susan Liddell
Board Liaison: Bonnie BootsMiller
Team Members: Susan Liddell, Tom Zimmerman, Cindy Thompson, Polly Gould, Jan Griffith, Bonnie Bootsmiller, Allan Thoms, Mary Thoms


  • Improved AED signage created and the machine is checked quarterly. 
  • Flashlights and weather radios and first aid supplies checked quarterly and restocked as needed. 
  • Additional cameras & memory upgrades purchased
  • Presented at community meeting. Reviewed fire extinguishers and exit locations
  • Window locks repaired in classrooms

Plans/Ideas for 2025 include:

  • Review and modify as necessary the Safety and Security Policy manual
  • Offer CPR and First Aid classes to congregants.
  • Explore the idea of presenting Mental Health First Aid to Leadership and Congregants


Welcome Team

Team Leader: Laura Meade
Board Liaison: Paula Land

This amazing team in 2024 included: Jeanne Bjornson, Pat Coon, Polly Gould, Kirsten Griffith, Babs Haggin-Roy, Sue Jorgenson, Karen Kurtz, Paul Lundy, Otis McGowan, Jennifer Mordan, Brian Mell, Frank Niedermeyer, Tracey Supplee, Cindy Thompson, Allan Thoms, and Laura Meade. Special shout out to those ushers who willingly stepped in at the last minute when we were short handed.

The Welcome Team serves our UCR community as ushers and greeters, starting everyone’s day with cheerfulness and joy and often a hug.  They greet everyone who comes to our services. They also count the attendees and collect the offertories.

Since we need at least four people every Sunday, it seems like a big team, but we are still in need of folks that are willing to rotate in, especially as ushers. Both ushering and greeting are easy jobs. We’re flexible and we’ll train you.  You’re going to be at the service anyway – and it doesn’t take much of a commitment. You still get to enjoy the service.  It’s a great way to meet people.   Please let Laura Meade know if you can help out., 319-899-2023.

Youth & Family Ministry

 Team Lead: Cindy Thompson
Board Liaison: Paula Land

Team: Arlene Brant, Laura Meade, Bonnie Bootsmiller, Tracey Supplee, Lynda Black-Smith, Barbara Krumvieda, Suzanne Barnes, Nina Swanson, Brian Mahon, Ashley Schrage, Brianna Schrage, Chrissy Wigim, Mandy Taylor-Thomas, Anne Lullie, Sally Miller, Rachel Pennel

The Youth and Family Ministry Program at UCR is staffed by committed volunteers who continue to hold space for growth. Currently, we offer programming for infants, toddlers, and young children through teens.

In the youth ed class for children 5-12, we completed the 12 Powers curriculum. For the next year, we will be studying Unity’s 5 Principals. We incorporated the shortened version for children in the youth classroom. We have averaged 3-4 to 10-12 children which is a combined total for all 3 classes.

We had 3 team meetings this year with the next one scheduled for January 2025. The meetings are well attended with good participation.

2024 Licensed Unity Leader Reports

Barb Buchanan

  • provided spiritual care for congregants as a member of the Spiritual Care Team, and as a designated Prayer Chaplain and Unity Prayer Companion
  • served as a prayer room partner, served on the prayer tree, and followed through on calls from
  • the prayer line
  • Sunday service responsibilities: platform, worship assistant, open & close UCR
  • attended meeting with Licensed Unity Leaders regularly
  • attended meetings as a member of the Leadership Team to plan special services, these include membership, Easter Sunrise, Advent candle lighting and reading
  • created meditation for Sunrise Service and for other services
  • offered prayers at various services/events
  • attended Ministry Team Leader meetings
  • attended UCR Community meetings
  • attended Exploring Unity classes, provided tour of UCR
  • provided food for UCR ‘Thanks for Giving’ meal and signed cards of appreciation for congregants
  • attended Greg Cole’s workshop
  • created and offered monthly meditation service
  • attended UCR annual meeting
  • created outline for ‘A Service of Prayer and Healing’. Paula Land and I will be doing this service on January 26 th ,2025
  • team lead for Elayne Fisher Community Cupboard
  • ordering and purchasing groceries for EFCC
  • staff member of EFCC
  • Unity Worldwide Ministry – CEU’s for Licensed Unity Teacher
    • Ethics/Boundaries CEU 
    • ‘Accountability: The Intersection of Love & Truth’ by Cynthia Vermillion-Foster
    • DEI/Inclusivity CEU ‘You Belong’ by Jesse Herriott
  • Community Events Attended
    • Pride Affirming Service
    • Food Pantry Focus Group – Food insecurity round table
    • Spirituality in the 21 st Century presented by Prairiewoods Spirituality Center
    • ‘Hospite’ sponsored by Cedar Memorial
    • ‘Caregiver Wellness Day’ sponsored by Heritage Area Agency on Aging

Janith Griffith 

Licensed by Unity Worldwide Ministries (2009); certified instructor for Unity Healing Prayer Companions and an Advanced Healing Touch Spiritual Ministry Practitioner.

Unity CR

  • Supported the congregation spiritually as a member of the Spiritual Care Team, Prayer Room, and Prayer Tree, check UCR voice mail 2x/week for prayer intentions
  • Team lead Sacred Grounds and Books, member of Safety and Security Team (see separate annual ministry team reports)
  • Co-lead Fall Exploring Unity. 
  • Maintained congregant connection via texts, phone calls, emails, cards.
  • Assisted with a memorial service celebration and reception. 
  • Assisted with “opening and closing” duties
  • Met with Board President and LUL team planning.  Attended staff leadership meetings.
  • C0-facilitated Affirmative Prayer Class and follow-up with attendees.
  • Accepted and completed the “Sponsoring Minister” role for the completion of Paula Land’s LUT Licensure. 
  • Invited and co-hosted Sunday speakers.  Assisted with related workshops and events.
  • Attended meetings as a member of the Leadership Team to plan special Sunday services
  • Co-Planned and facilitated holiday services for Easter Sunrise service, Christmas Sunday service, and Christmas Eve.
  • Assisted with Advent Candle Lighting, Christmas Eve Candle Lighting, Lent and Easter.
  • Assisted with and attended special events including recognizing volunteers at the Thanks-for-Giving dinner and writing thank you cards, and assisting with the New Year’s Eve party. 
  • Served as guest speaker twice: Planting a Seed and Trip to Bethlehem.  Assisted with Christmas Eve scriptures, carols, and candle lighting.
  • Provided meditations for Advent and Lent and led discussion groups. 
  • Participated in Spirit Space Book Club and led several discussions, 
  • Co-hosted the Allen Lincoln Douglas dinner at UCR. 
  • Attended lunch and discussions with UCR Lesbians group.
  • Provided holiday cards for Spiritual Care congregants. 
  • Provided food for EFCC & assisted with Willis Dady homeless shelter meals
  • Attended various UCR events:  Picnic, New Years Eve affirmation puzzle making, game night, garage sale, centennial celebrations. 
  • Taught a solar eclipse/soul collage class
  • Participated in Especially for You Breast Cancer Walk on UCR Team


Susan Liddell


  • Provided spiritual care for congregants.
  • Served as Worship Assistant and coordinated the schedule for the Worship Assistant team.
  • Served as a Sunday morning “opener and closer” and assisted with coordinating the schedule. 
  • Served as monthly Prayer room partner and checked UCR Voice Mail for prayer needs.
  • Met with the Board President and LUL team as needed. Attended Staff Leadership meetings.
  • Co-Facilitated Affirmative Prayer Class and follow-up
  • Accepted and completed the “Sponsoring Minister” role for the completion of Paula Land’s LUT Licensure.
  • Invited and co-hosted Sunday speakers. Assisted with related workshops / events.
  • Attended Annual meeting and Community meetings
  • Led the Safety and Security Team.
  • Served on the Transition Team.
  • Attended and participated in various UCR events, New Year’s Eve, Game nights, picnic, Garage Sale, Solar Eclipse discussion and activity, Grounds clean-up and Centennial Dinner. Supported monthly Community Creates
  • Participated in Event Planning Team 
  • Organized lunch outings for UCR lesbians.
  • Assisted with memorial service planning and reception
  • Co-hosted and co-planned the Allen Lincoln Douglas dinner at UCR
  • Participated in and facilitated book discussions. 
  • Facilitated Lenten discussion group with LULs
  • Participated in Lenten Reading, Advent reading, Christmas Service and led Christmas Eve Candlelight Service.
  • Co-wrote Thank You notes to UCR volunteers.
  • Team Lead for Exploring Unity. 
    • Facilitated planning meeting with Exploring Unity Board Liaison for Spring class. 
    • Facilitated planning meeting with Minister and Exploring Unity Board for Fall class.
    • Co-Facilitated Fall Exploring Unity Class 
  • Co-planned and Facilitated Affirming Pride Service with Welcoming area Faith Leaders
  • Gathered Welcoming and Affirming Faith Leaders together for support and sharing of resources
  • Served as Captain of the UCR Especially for You Race Against Breast Cancer Team 2024


Attended monthly GLUR Board meetings, budget planning meetings and vision planning as the Regional LUT representative.

  • Planned, hosted and attended the 2024 virtual GLUR Regional Conference.
  • Attended the 2024 LUT Retreat at Unity Village
  • Facilitated GLUR Regional LUT zoom calls
  • Served on GLUR Conference Planning Team and Nominating Team.


  • Completed Ethics class for CEU credit 
  • Completed Inclusion and Diversity class for CEU credit.
  • Participated and presented in the monthly virtual gatherings of Spiritual Sisters in Pride
  • Attended partial days of Unity Town Hall meeting, Business meeting and Annual Summit


Inter-Religious Council of Linn County

  • Served as Board member attending monthly meetings. Attended IRC events

Franciscan Spirituality Center, LaCrosse WI

  • Attended virtual Lenten class by John McHugh.
  • A Weekend with Jan Richardson / One World Listening

Marion Affirming Churches (MAC)

  • Book study – Unclobber. Rethinking our misuse of the Bible on Homosexuality. Colby Martin
  • Viewed 1946 The Mistranslation that Shifted Culture Film

Christ Episcopal Mental Health Advocacy Group

  • Caring Conversations

St. Stephens Lutheran

  • Viewed God and Country film.

Stand in Unity

  • Attended Scheduled Meetings

Hospite Conference / Cedar Memorial

And then there were FOUR! See below

Paula Land

I began the Licensed Unity Teacher (LUL) certification process in the fall of 2023 after completing the required 22 Spiritual Enrichment and Education classes (started in 2020). 

This program consisted of 12 five week classes over the course of 30 weeks, three book reviews, teaching three ten-hour classes, completing a 20 hour specialty course in Adult Education, prepare a project and report related to the specialty course, attend 10 hours of public speaker training, demonstrate volunteer commitment in your Unity community, participate in services as training in ministry, attend Unity Worldwide Ministry (UWM) conference and complete a UWM Overview course. A week of Skills Demonstration Seminar consisted of taking a written test, preparing and presenting an evaluated mini-class on one of the twelve powers, and answering random questions related to Unity principles and teachings. I had twelve wonderful peers from across the country and Canada in my tight knit cohort who have become friends and each other's biggest champions.

I was grateful to have successfully completed all the licensing requirements in November of 2024 and approved by the UWM board of trustees. I am grateful to Susan Liddell and Jan Griffith for taking over as my ministry sponsors when Rev. Debra left. And grateful to Debra for providing my recommendation. 

Being installed as a Licensed Unity Teacher/Leader (LUL) at UnityCR was one of the greatest accomplishments and honors of my thirty-five years as a UCR member. Thanks Barb, Susan and Jan for welcoming me with loving hearts and a touching ceremony. 

I’m looking forward to hanging up my board president hat (sort of) and serving UCR in a different way in 2025! Thanks to everyone who encouraged and supported me during this process!