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Since the inception of our search, the Minister Search Committee has had 2 applicants. Interviews were conducted with each candidate, but for individual personal reasons the candidates withdrew.

Between the two candidate interviews, the Committee spent time thoughtfully updating our posting to better describe UnityCR and our greater community in an effort to improve our enticement to candidates. The two candidates that we interviewed both noted that they watched us on-line and were impressed with our Sunday services and noted that we were a welcoming community and that we had something “special” going on here. Please continue to affirm and pray for our new minister as they are guided to us.

In addition to our minister search, the Board of Trustees is investigating alternative leadership options for UnityCR. We are functioning well without a minister and there are different scenarios and options to consider that might offer valuable opportunities for our spiritual community until we find a minister, or instead of a minister. Your input, by completing the survey, will provide valuable insight as the Board continues to explore and discuss options. The Board is committed to continuing to include congregants in discussions and decisions going forward.

Take the Survey