Our Mission is to provide spiritual awareness and share the wonder and joy of God’s Love!
5 Principles What We Teach
Unity's Five Principles
The five basic ideas that make up the Unity belief system are:
  • God is absolute good and everywhere present.
  • Our essence is of God, therefore we are inherently good.
  • We create our experience of life through our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.
  • Prayer and meditation are our connection with God-Mind.
  • We must live the Truth that we know.

We encourage you to explore and apply Unity teachings based on your own spiritual understanding!

What We Teach
  • We all have an innate capacity to know God through direct experience.
  • Our very essence is of God, and we are inherently good.  We call this our Christ Spirit.
  • Prayer works.
  • Heaven is not a place, but a state of consciousness; we create our own heaven and hell here and now.
  • We are here to set a positive example and be a role model for others.
  • We are here to make the world a better place.

Dr. Maya Angelou

Speaks about Unity

We invite you to join us for 10 am Sunday service

Youth Ministry and Nursery are available.