CommUnity Meeting

Sunday, October 1, 2023
AgendaPond Q & A

UnityCR Pond Improvements

UCR has a detention pond. What is that?

Urbanized areas produce large stormwater runoff volumes due to large amounts of impervious surface. Stormwater runoff can pick up pollutants such as sediment, nutrients, pesticides, and other waste, becoming a significant source of water pollution. A detention basin is designed to reduce the impacts of urbanization on local streams and rivers by collecting and slowly releasing stormwater, thereby improving stormwater quality as well as reducing peak flows.   

What is this pond improvement project?

The proposed work on the pond would involve clearing trees, dredging the pond and hauling away the debris, cleaning silt and placing large rocks at the inlet/outlet structures, and grading to prepare the edges for planting.

Who will do the project?

Meine Septic Service is a family-owned business based in Robins, Iowa. They have been in business for over 40 years and UCR members and staff have met directly with owner. 

Why is the project necessary?

When the UnityCR addition was built in 2005, a detention pond was required as part of the development agreement with the City of Cedar Rapids. (Chapter 72.203 of the Cedar Rapids Codes of Ordinances – December 2021)

Detention ponds must be re-certified by the City to ensure that they are serving their intended purpose every 5 years. Our pond is currently not in compliance with the City’s requirements. If the pond’s condition is not addressed in a timely manner, Unity CR will be fined. Compliance aside, our pond is unhealthy – it has significant algae bloom.  Certain types of algae can pose harm to humans, pets, and animals if exposed. Learn more on this PDF fact sheet from the Iowa Department of Public Health. These blooms are likely to reoccur given the overgrowth and poor circulation within the pond. 

What will happen to the trees, plants and wildlife around the pond?

Any project of this nature will disruptive, but it is important remember that pond in its current condition is an unhealthy place. The weeds/trees/plants around the pond will need to be removed. Willow trees, in particular, diminish the efficacy of the pond over time. There is tremendous opportunity to replace the existing growth with new plants and hardwood trees that will support an even wider array of pollinators and wildlife. A landscaping plan may be required as part of the project, and staff will work with members to develop the plan over the winter months. With that said, the pond area will look significantly different after the project. Fortunately, nature’s bounty will soon return with a little assistance from our wonderful congregants.

What will the project cost and how will the project be paid for?

The project is estimated to cost $26,000. Unity CR was fortunate to receive a significant gift from the Dottie Burger trust and some of this gift will be used to pay for the project. The intention is to include tiling along the parking lot to address parking lot pooling and runoff.

What is the timeline for the project? 

The project will begin the week of October 9, 2023.

Will the project impact the Unity building or parking lot?

The project may actually improve the water drainage around the building. Over the years, UCR has had water issues inside the building and have had to make exterior adjustments. 

The decision to complete the pond project prior to the parking lot was made to reduce wear and tear on an improved parking lot due to the use of large equipment.